I usually write exclusively for parents interested the business
of child performing. This post will
start that way – the inspiration for this – but it’s quickly going to go into
some passionate feelings I have for all parents. So please read, consider, and share if you
think this can be helpful (and I’m really hoping it can). It’s taken me a long time to write this;
school, family, auditions, all pile up…and, frankly, it’s a tough subject and I
wanted to provide you with as much accurate information as possible.
Recently, several model moms discovered that there were
photos of their children (or children we know) along with many other kiddos on
some “chan” sites. Now, I
will admit that I took a look at a link for about two seconds and the children
I saw were fully-clothed and pretty innocent-looking. Some children we did not recognize were young
girls (as little as one in a full-on carseat) that had a lot of makeup on and
done-up hair. (Remember I am a real
makeup prude for kids -- especially mine -- but I don’t want to get all judgy –
time and a place for everything and it’s hard enough to be a mom without other
judgy moms). These particular sites are
called “chan” sites (I believe) and are like whac-a-mole sites…impossible to
eliminate because they come as fast as they go and skirt legal vs illegal
activity and are based out of the country and travel through all sorts of
servers to protect the anonymity of the origins. Ok, creeped out much? (I just want to add
that I visited a site for only two seconds because I quickly realized I wanted
NOTHING even connected to the stuff that could end up on my computer or the
viruses or the whatever related to the garbage.)
Moms I interact with FREAKED OUT. You probably would too. I told my wife and she FREAKED OUT (although
no one seemed to see my daughter anywhere).
Guess who didn’t freak out.
You see, my kid is out there. You can go on Macy’s, Belk’s, Target, Hanna,
J. Crew (etc., etc.) and see child models.
Heck, many of us put photos of our kids on Facebook and Instagram all
the time (I do). My kid is
fully-clothed, looks age-appropriate, and just happens to be a seven-year-old
girl. Guess what? If some creeper is going to get all worked up
over my kid…it could just as easily happen to any kid, model or not…whatever. I HATE that it could happen; it SICKENS me;
and it’s just plain WRONG – don’t get me wrong.
I don’t want to argue THOSE points.
But what am I going to do? Hide
my kid behind a veil or keep her inside her life? We let our schools post photos of our kids
planting trees and stuff. Perverts who
like photos of kids planting trees?
Probably exist.
However, the ODDS of your child and mine ending up on
internet creeper sites are so minimal that as EFFED UP as it may be, you just
cannot worry about it. If you post
scantily-clad, sexy-pose photos of your kid, maybe worry about it more.
Now here’s where I’m going to get really passionate. Look back at my title: Are we worrying about
the wrong thing?
If you’re worried about where your kid shows up on the
internet, YES, you are worrying about the wrong thing.
Now this part is for ALL parents – not just those of kids in
the public eye.
Mic check. Testing…1,
2, 3…
You know what we really need to worry about? Our children being sexually abused. You know why?
Because this actually DOES happen to many kids. The statistics are staggering. I’m passionate about this because I cannot
even count the number of family members, friends, and students I have worked
with over my twenty years in the classroom who have been sexually abused. I’m not even going to divulge the range of
people who are so close to me who have endured that vile atrocity because it’s
their story to tell – but trust me; it’s many.
Let me throw some numbers at you.
According to the National Center for Victims of Crime, ONE
in FIVE girls and ONE in TWENTY boys are victims of child sexual abuse before
they reach adulthood. This is ALL kids
and these are only statistics based on actual reported acts in the United
States. The statistics align with adults’
recollections of their experience with abuse, although adult males tend to
report that they experienced child sexual abuse in slightly higher numbers than
actually recorded in crime databases.
Overall, this translates into slightly less than 10% OF ALL AMERICAN
CHILDREN experiencing child sexual abuse.
Even worse: only about 30% of sexual assault cases are reported to
authorities! (I want you to know that my
I have done my well-trained due diligence to verify that the websites I used
for this present reliable, well-researched statistics, so you can trust my
Now here’s the one that should make you stop dead in your
90% of the victims of child sexual abuse are victimized by
someone they KNOW. 60% are known to the
offender but are NOT family and the remaining 30% are family members. It kind of turns out that “stranger danger”
is BS.
Children who experience abuse by someone they know are far
more likely to experience significant problems with trust, feelings of
worthlessness, and are very likely to have suicidal ideation. These internalized feelings may lead to
significant problems forming meaningful relationships and partnerships as
children become adults…and there is evidence that children who suffered
prolonged abuse from family members are far more likely to experience so-called
acquaintance rape (political statement: rape is rape whether you know someone
or not, so we’ll just say “raped by someone they know”).
An extensive report authored in 2010 by former FBI Investigator
Kenneth Lanning (sponsored by the National Center for Missing and Exploited
Children along with the Department of Justice) offered this important
“Acquaintance molesters are still, however, one of the most
challenging manifestations of sexual victimization of children for society and
professionals to face. People seem more willing to accept a sinister, unknown
individual or ‘stranger’ from a different location or father/stepfather from a
different socioeconomic background as a child molester than a clergy member,
next-door neighbor, law-enforcement officer, pediatrician, teacher, coach, or
volunteer. Acquaintance molesters often gain access to children through
youth-serving organizations. The
acquaintance molester, by definition, is one of us. He is not simply an
anonymous, external threat.” (Emphasis
One of the most important things you should learn about, as
a parent, is the process of “grooming” – how a potential perpetrator of child
sexual abuse gains trust in YOU as well as your child to create a situation in
which that person can victimize a child.
One thing very true of child performers is that they are exposed to
close contact with adults who could potentially create “grooming” situations
hospitable to abuse – but honestly, it can happen in church, on a sports team,
at karate, or at Thanksgiving dinner.
I could go on forever with facts and statistics…and I will
provide you with the links to all the sites I used for my research, including
helpful information to learn about child sexual abuse, how to talk to your
children, signs and symptoms and even the sex offender registries (handy to
check when your children are starting new activities, etc., but remember these
crimes are VERY UNDER-REPORTED so the offenders may never have encountered the
justice system in any form). And don’t
even get me started on the plea bargains offenders can take to avoid trial that
make their crimes seem minimal “on the record.”
I served on a jury in which a man charged with forcing a young boy to
perform and receive oral sex was pled down to “sexual contact with a minor” – a
fourth degree felony with a relatively short sentence – from First Degree
Sexual Assault (which is the legal charge for RAPE in CT)…and a man my family
knows well who was caught file-sharing as well as possessing a lot of child
pornography on his computer who pled that down to something like one obscene
photo or something. (The justice system
in this country is effed up, but that’s like another entire blog I could
So please. Worry
about the right things with your children.
You CANNOT be too careful about this.
Do not let your child spend unsupervised time without you or a very,
very, very trustworthy person (and remember the whole “grooming” thing? They make themselves seem very, very, very
trustworthy!). Re-think sleepovers –
even with family members. Host them at
your house or discourage them entirely. I’m
sorry – I know that is really lame and maybe over-cautious parenting, but my
child is much less likely to suffer from the tears of reacting to mean old mom
than being abused by a known person.
Heck, I worry about this more than any likelihood my child will be
harmed by a giant, red, three-month-old perfect Monsanto strawberry. Or riding her bike in the road.
Talk about this stuff.
With your kids, your spouse, your friends. If you think it hasn’t happened to people you
know, you will become quite aware how widespread it is once you have those
And please share this.
Share these links. Let your
friends know what they need to worry about.
The bicycle helmet? YES, of
course. Drowning in the pool? YES.
But this one – child sexual abuse – is more likely than any of
those. We TALK about the helmets and the
pools – so maybe that’s why they happen less.
We hear the horror stories of drowning and we make our kids have a
healthy fear of the water and we teach them to swim. But do we teach them to do as much as
possible to protect them from sexual abuse?
We’d better start.
Reactions? Thoughts? Post here, on my Facebook page (The Bizzy Mama) or via email: theBizzyMama@gmail.com
National Center for Victims of Crime, Child Sexual Abuse Statistics:
The Lanning report on child molesters:
National Sex Offender Public Website (lots of publications/guides/etc.; not just sex offender registries)
...and a direct link to their "Common Questions" page where you can read about many things including grooming:
Stop It Now! Resources for preventing child sexual abuse:
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children -- includes information on reporting child sexual abuse (among many other things):